Common Myths About EV Charging Stations

EV charging technology is constantly evolving, with new advancements and updates being introduced regularly. This dynamic nature of the industry can result in outdated or inaccurate information, leading to misconceptions or myths about EV charging station installation. In this article, we will debunk the four most common myths associated with EV charging stations for commercial properties and residential properties.


Myth 1- EV charging stations for residential properties are too slow.

It is true that some older or lower-powered EV charging station installations may have slower charging speeds. But, modern EV charging station installation designed for residential properties can provide fast and efficient charging options. The charging speed requirements of an EV owner may depend on their lifestyle, driving habits, and the type of charger installed. It’s important to consider the specific charging station options, charging speeds, and technological advancements when debunking the myth that EV charging stations for residential properties are too slow.


Myth 2 – All levels are the same.

There are various types of EV charging stations for commercial properties and residential properties, including Level 1, Level 2, and even Level 3 (DC fast) chargers. Level 1 chargers typically provide slower charging speeds as they use a standard household outlet, while Level 2 chargers are faster and use a dedicated electrical circuit. Level 3 chargers are even more rapid but are less common for residential use due to their higher costs and installation requirements.

Charging speeds of EV charging stations can vary depending on the charger type and the EV’s battery capacity. For example, a Level 1 charger can provide around 3-5 miles of range per hour of charging. Similarly, a Level 2 charger can provide up to 25-30 miles of range per hour of charging. This can vary depending on the specific charger and EV model.


Myth 3- DC superchargers are not the greatest for electric vehicles.

DC superchargers are designed to be efficient, fast, and convenient for charging EVs, making them an essential and effective option for EV owners, particularly for long-distance travel. These are the most popular choice, with EV charging stations for residential properties and EV charging stations for commercial properties. The reasons for this include the following:

  • Fast charging.
  • High charging power.
  • A network of charging stations.
  • Compatibility with a wide range of EV models.
  • Consideration for battery health.
  • Ongoing advancements in charging technology.

As with any charging option, staying updated with the latest information and recommendations from your EV manufacturer or charging provider is always important.


Myth 4- Weather can disrupt charging.

It’s true that you may experience some reduction in range during the coldest winter days. But, many EV owners successfully drive their vehicles in colder climates, such as in Norway, where EV adoption is the highest per capita in the world. Taking a few precautions can help mitigate the impact of cold weather on your EV’s battery. Keeping your EV plugged in and storing it in a garage can help maintain a warmer battery temperature, which can improve range.

Additionally, you can pre-condition the cabin temperature while your EV is plugged in. You can also use seat heaters or steering wheel heaters instead of the climate system to conserve battery power. These strategies can help ensure that your EV battery remains in optimal condition even during colder weather conditions.


As EVs become more mainstream, EV charging station installation demand will increase. Infrastructure will likely become a standard requirement in many commercial and residential properties. By installing an EV charging station now, you can future-proof your property. You can also ensure that you are well-equipped to meet the needs of EV users in the coming years.