Common myths about solar panels
Solar panels are an excellent investment for the future, but they can be confusing to understand. In fact, there are several myths regarding solar panel installs. These common misconceptions can lead to financial losses if you’re unaware of them before you purchase. Take the time to learn what you need to know and be prepared for any surprises when installing your new solar system.
In this article, we will go through certain myths about solar panels and what the truth is.
(Source: Forbes, Dispelling The Myths About Solar Panels Inefficiency In Colder Climate, Daniel Hadizadeh, January 10, 2022, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2022/01/10/dispelling-the-myth-about-solar-panels-inefficiency-in-colder-climate/?sh=48afb59c26bc ).
Solar panels are expensive to install.
You probably already know that solar panels are an excellent investment, but did you know that they’re also one of the most affordable energy sources? In fact, costs have dropped significantly since their inception. The initial cost when it comes to installing solar panels can be anywhere from $3,500 to $35,000. The price can vary depending on the model, size, and type. However, this cost is only for the installation itself. Once your system is up and running, it will produce free electricity for years to come.
Solar panels will damage your roof.
You’ve probably heard this myth before: Solar panels will damage your roof. However, this cannot be further from the actual truth. That’s because solar panels are made from glass and plastic, both of which are light in weight. In fact, they’re so lightweight that they won’t even be noticeable on any roofing material (even if you have a metal or concrete roof).
You can install solar panels on the roofs of homes built before 1979 (and many older homes still have these types). However, if you do want to install them on an older home with wooden shingles instead of asphalt or tile—or if your home is built after 1979 but before 2015—you’ll need to use special adhesives that make sure they stay put while protecting against water damage as well as insects like termites which might eat away at the edges over time.
However, if you are still worried, you don’t have to install them on the roof. Solar panels can also be installed in ground-mounted systems. Solar panels should generally be placed facing south to maximize sunshine exposure.
Solar panels are not reliable.
You may have heard that solar panels are unreliable, but this isn’t true. While there are times when the sun isn’t shining or it’s cloudy outside, you can still get your power from a solar panel. Von Power shares, “Solar panels create energy from the sun’s radiation. Solar panels do create energy from the sun’s heat.” This means that solar panels can be used in all weather conditions, including winter. However, according to Forbes, “The orientation of the solar panels is the most significant aspect in terms of solar energy generation due to the power being maximized at a vertical orientation (facing south if you are in the northern hemisphere).” According to Von Power, this allows the panels to absorb as much light as possible during daylight hours.
With solar energy, you no longer have to worry about your electric bill. You can use it freely without paying for the costs of fuel or fossil fuels which means that it is an excellent alternative to traditional forms of energy.
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